My unsettled feeling.
Once, I've always thought that 'us' was the most suitable word to describe you and me. But, then I realised how foolish and wrong I am all this time. December 21st made me realised that you and me was too fucked up to be 'us'. Also, the circumstances slapped me hard. After that day, I know that I felt unsettled about you.
I thought you were the person. The right person that I’ve searched. Then all I do is thinking of 'Do I deserve someone better than you?' or 'Can I find someone like you?'
But, still I’m very glad and thankful that you’ve liked me in the past. The past long before my feeling had chosen you. I’m hopeless now, I can’t even describe my own feeling at this moment. It’s too difficult to be describe and wondering 'Do I even still into you?'
And I already gave up for searching the right answer for that.